January 05, 2010

oooooh holidays are OVER kids!!

I'm going to be brutally honest....THERE IS LESS THAN 17 HRS. LEFT until my kids get on the bus for their first day back to school! YAAAAAAAY....and WHAT will I do with my time, you wonder? I will drink a WHOLE cup of coffee before it gets cold. I will go to chores outside by myself and listen to NO crying children. I will work on a scrapbooking something-or-ther for an hour without someone starting a fight AND I will get to town at an earlier time then my kids woke up today. Awesome. LOL...check back in a week...Im sure I will be in a different mood.

Anyways.....I am really looking forwards to the holiday mini class on the 23rd! And I am REALLY looking forwards to the first club meeting happening on the 25th. WOAAH you say....club meeting!? what's going on??? Dont miss it! The last monday of every month will be the meeting date for this group. Email me to register for the club, there are quite a few ladies who have shown interest, so first ten, first club and we will go from there!

Are you a mom who has kids in activities and a million things that happen after 3:20pm? I want you. LOL
I want you to come join me for a coffee club. This will be a smaller group- Im only opening up 6 spaces rather than ten and the rules will be a bit different than the scrap clubs. It will be more of a drop in and crop club. Interested????

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Wordle: Scapbooking