January 12, 2016

Starting at the Beginning

...So I am reactivating this blog. Mostly because it already existed and I didn't really want to start over... Why re-activate? Not because I am teaching scrapbooking or crafty courses but BECAUSE I GOT INTO VET SCHOOL....and why does that mean my blog needs to be running?...BECAUSE I GOT INTO VET SCHOOL.....IN GRENADA!! -Where the heck is that? Yeah- that was my first question as well. It's in the Caribbean, just a tiny 12 degrees North of the equator (READ: HOT) So the ambition for me to return to blogging stems from a 3 hr. time change and everyone wanting to know what I'm up to and me finding myself wishing there was a way to share my adventure with friends, family and anyone who wants to read :) So, we begin.

We left Canada at the very beginning of the month...New Year's for me was *attempting* to finalize bits and pieces for our epic move around to the other side of the world where they walk around in sweaters when it's 24 degrees celsius (I have discerned, from the locals that 24 degrees is THE coldest it gets here). I have an amazing friend staying in my Spruce View place, and I think she's done a better job with making that house feel 'homey' than I ever did! All of our things are neatly crammed into a sea can.... and into the garage...and into my parents garage... and into their storage area... so: Most of my stuff is all over the place and I hope I can recall 'what is where' when I want/need it.

The boys and I arrived in Grenada in the dark. I love arriving places in the dark. It makes the next morning seem magical, when you wake up and have no idea what, exactly you will get to see. Even when I go to familiar places like Canmore, it never fails to fill me with excitement to look out the windows and go explore on the first morning.
While the views did not disappoint in the morning, Grenada didn't wait until sunrise to fill me with surprises...Within 20 min. of being at the house (After 2 hrs of trying to leave the airport!!) we had a gecko in the kitchen helping me make our VERY late supper of powdered soup, a bat (which, at the time I thought was a bird...I was overtired) circle the living room for several laps and a huge cockroach in my bathroom. (SPECIAL M... WHENEVER YOU READ THE WORD COCKROACH, JUST PRETEND IT SAYS....flower...or butterfly...or daisy...or anything other than HUGE BUG...I promise they really arn't that bad...)

So 'where' exactly did I go? You're still trying to figure that out aren't you. Here's a map! https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zqEr43FTGHNU.k_FnDFvIcmtk&usp=sharing

More about the island later! TaTa for now! Off to swim :)

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Wordle: Scapbooking