January 21, 2010

Here comes a Whizzy Day!!

Seems like 2010 is all about ACTION for me. Do any of you feel extra motivated? Extra focused? I am spending this whole first quarter of 2010 being really focused on TAKING ACTION. -RIGHT NOW!! No waiting to make a plan, no trying to find the right thing to do first. I am just gonna "DO". I was on a really super conference call with Mr. Andrew Barber-Starkey who in my opinion is one of the greatest business coaches going. He has come up with a set of tools to help a person take action NOW. HOW COOL! how did HE know that was exactly what I need these days!! I am so pumped about the beginning of the classes for Frog Hollow. Not only because it is something I am so passionate about, but because I KNOW that you are going to love what is created here! I know there will be bloopers and blunders along the way but i say BRING IT ON 2010! I am ready and I am running! Whoo!!

What do you do to get yourself motivated? I mean 'cmon...EVERYONE has a day where their pillow or a couch look like the only thing worth focusing on. What do you do in that moment to get yourself going. To take action NOW!?!? Well the next time I find myself a bit down I am going to plug in a new playlist I've made into my ipod. It's a crazy list made of all genres-they only rule was it had to be loud, busy song.- One that makes me want to move.

Got any ideas??? If you do, post a comment and I will choose a random winner for a neat little package of tidbit ribbons that I have here. Mmmmmm Ribbon. SO FUN!!!

If you want to learn more about Taking Action- Take Action! and check out Mr. Andrew Barber-Starkey at:

Now I'm off to take action! Off to town with a laundry list of "things to get done"!
Have a SUPER day!

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